Eggs; It’s What’s For Breakfast

Occasionally, we get a glut of eggs. This happens when the hens are all laying perfectly giving us almost an egg from every hen every day. This adds up because who on earth can eat so many eggs every day?

The alternative to throwing out excess eggs is to boil them and feed them back to the hens. They are a GREAT source of free protein which they need for new feather growth and egg production. Being that the eggs are cooked and then diced into tiny bits, the hens won’t be encouraged to start breaking and eating their own eggs before they’re collected because this can certainly be a problem. The birds have NO clue they’re eggs… just a nice tasty treat!

We even have a cheap supply of paper plates just for occasions such as this.

Oh yeah… can’t forget that little sprinkle of dried herbs on top of them. Every girl loves a nice garnish 😎