Petronele Having Fun

Having better weather means the clear panels that line the outer run can be removed. They’re used in inclement weather to block wind, rain and snow. It’s basically like a solarium for the hens and an impenetrable area that keeps them safe from predators yet provides an outdoor environment. In...

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Orpingtons come in many colors, like most chickens. We currently have Blue Orpingtons (Doris Diggles and Petronele), but we also have a Splash Orpington named Louise. The “Splash” color isn’t too prevalent on her as she seems to me more snow white than anything, but if you look really close...

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Here’s Stella!

Stella is quite the little hen and one of the first of this flock who started to lay. She most closely resembles a Black Copper Marans breed of hen with her feathered legs and dark brown eggs (plus her mother was a true BCM, father likely a Wyandotte). Stella is...

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What’s For Supper?

Like all of us, chickens enjoy a variety of foods and treats. They are omnivores and quite frankly, even cannibals at times! Although are hens are fed a premium layer ration, they also get a well-rounded diet combining many crops that we grow here such as pumpkins, zucchini, lettuce and...

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